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January 2016




January 2016

J + J

A New Year is an excellent opportunity for a fresh start, as most know, we tend to fall in the New Years Resolutions!! The dreadful word because we will make a resolve to do something better for ourselves, then as life unfolds we put it by the wayside and before we know it, the resolution is an after thought.

One of the things I strive to do as a mom, is to steal a moment for myself, which as you can imagine, is a huge challenge when you own a business, have a small family and a whole other world of responsibilities. My challenge for myself for the New Year, as I said in my last post, is to simplify. I have found that increasingly challenging! I had hoped to start my new routine at 6:00am, yes before the sun has even risen. My children have decided that 5:30am is a much better time to wake up, so you can imagine, this already tired mom is even more tired at 5:30 and still not getting my workouts in that I had so carefully planned for myself!

So I find myself at a loss, trying to rework my day to squeeze in some much needed me time. I am sure many of you can relate, but I want to challenge us to keep the focus on our resolve or resolution whatever it may be and whatever you want to call it. We will be happier and healthier in the long run if we can make it work. There is always time, you can make time. For me, it may be taking the evening when the kids are in bed to do some yoga or Pilates, since the girls insist on getting up at ungodly hours! (They are lucky they are cute! :))

So whatever your New Year means for you, don't lose sight of what you have wanted and planned and find a way to make it happen! Now, if someone could kindly make me the largest espresso, I will get to work!! Happy New Year!!
