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J + J

Happy New Year!!

We are looking forward to lots of cool new products coming out throughout the year as well as some of your holiday favorites returning too! With a new year always begs the question that I'm sure most of us are tired of hearing " What's your New Years Resolution?"

The tried and true response is to lose weight, be healthier or change a habit... yea sure jump on that bandwagon... :0 

However, this year, we are taking a different approach to the resolution and instead we have a guiding word for the year. The word that sticks out to me for 2016 is SIMPLIFY.

I don't mean we're going to get rid of all of our stuff and live like monks. Just to simplify things around us. For instance, I would like to clean out a closet or two, get our "junk" drawer in working order or throw out the stack of fitness magazines that have been collecting dust. It also means that I will help my family live more simply too. Simple, easy to prep and cook dinners that give us more time for the things we love. A simple and quick plan to keep the house tidy, etc. I want to encourage you to simply your life too.

One easy way you can do that is to embrace the #naturalmatters lifestyle. What does that mean?  First, take a moment to read what is actually in your store brand soap or shampoo and then read our ingredients. Then, check out our collection of beard and skin care and see what speaks to you. Natural is better in the long run for you and our world, so take a leap and start now, you won't be sorry!!