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Hello & Goodbye 2017

J + J

It seems I was making a post about hello February; this year has passed so fast, where did it go?

All the plans, resolutions (Did you do them?) I did some, more like meh! but I've learned a couple of things that allowed me to grow as a person, father and most of all, about soap-a-licious:

Patience- to handle both jobs (Dadda and Soap Jedi Master) with great expectations and always with a positive and optimistic mind.

Gratitude- to thank everyone and to be grateful for my day, no matter how awesome, happy, dark or bad it was; one must remember, tomorrow is another day.

Reward-to give thanks for the audacity to do my own thing and on my own terms; to give thanks to those who tag along my journey and to give value to my customers whether is a discount code, free shipping or a free soap, if he makes them happy i know in the long run it will come back ten times full #karmalife

Joy- the last one and a very big one; to find happiness and the beauty in everything, always  with a very open positive mind and heart.

I am so happy for the the new challenges that await us (you and me/us) in 2018, and the soaps, plans and projects that you will enjoy and share with us, after all you are part of our little tribe now, the soap-a-licious tribe


J&J & J&J




J + J


We are Jay and Jess (Husband and Wife) founders and owners of Soap-a-licious! When we first got pregnant with our first daughter and started looking for healthy, natural products to rub on my belly, I reacted badly to some of the store bought things. Jay suffered for "seasonal psoriasis" and mild eczema , when he saw the dermatologist, he prescribed him a cream/ lotion with one active ingredient: ALCOHOL.

Frustrated and angry about using something that not only would irritate and dry his skin more ( Alcohol does that) , but not even possible a different healthy alternative; we began a journey of studying and learning natural ways to care for our skin and body. It started with soaps and quickly grew into all skin,  even beard care related. We double dog dare you to try them and not fall in love :)

Our journey started in 2011, and our love of our business and these products has grown so much since then. We love sharing these products with you! Fact, one of the things my husband loves most is reading the emails or posts that you guys send that say how much you love these products too! That is what continues to drive our business and our passion: IT'S NATURAL & IT MATTERS.

As for jay's skin condition: his skin never looked better..



You can find us active on social media, primarily Instagram @soapaliciousfl we have a few other insta accounts for those who want to see more of the beard stuff @beardedstash and the baby love @babyliciousfl. We love connecting with you guys and sharing your photos! I also post a weekly or so blog on here, with thoughts, tips and just general ramblings so feel free to check that out too.

Thank you for you continued love and support!

Jay + Jess


J + J


I know, who likes Mondays? The name alone even sounds heavy.. MONNNNDAAAAYYY YUCK! Other words that rhymes with Monday, yucknday, wackday, borenday, sucknday, anotherweekgoesbyandidntdoshitday...

You take my love ones to work, school, to class, leaving nothing but sadness and sorrow behind, and all the awesome feelings that I had over the weekend are now are left with lots of I miss yous' and come back to mes' My first emotional deception with Monday started when I was in kindergarten; yes i can remember bits and pieces, but Monday took my happiness that I had earned the over the weekend, yes Monday and it's cronies always managed to bring me back to reality and then some, the only good Monday, is a Holiday Monday. Then adulthood hits and you have the "I have to workbug" Mondays; back at it again to remind me of things like adulthood and what comes with it with, big words like responsibilities and parenthood. But let's stay positive.. Monday is a reminder that Tuesday is tomorrow and then Wednesday and so..another 1/2 week passed and then by Wednesday afternoon we are like is it Friday yet? " Monday, Monday I hated you Monday.. universal reminder another week goes by and then another month; and the only way I can tolerate, respect and deal with you Monday is... Saturdays Saturday..❤️


J + J

What does imagine mean to you? To me it's letting my creative side loose! I knit but sometimes I need another outlet for creativity.. lately that has been reimagining our space in our house.

I have found myself redecorating our house, reorganizing, de-cluttering. I find more often than not I am going back to de-clutter the same places. Which means I have not gotten rid of enough things. I know that it will get to a point that it will not take as much of my focus but until then I just keep pressing on. 

Why does that matter to you, our soap fans? It comes down to finding the right things in your life, in your personal space. Whatever that may be. For us, we've got the soap thing down and the deodorant thing down... So what's next? For me it's sunscreen and making sure I'm doing the best  things for my kids, which comes back to my tidying. Making their spaces cleaner and have their favorite things more easily accessible, which increases their imagination almost immediately. Which is so important for kids! 

This serves as your friendly reminder that natural soap is where it's at. So if you haven't tried our soap or haven't switched to natural deodorant, why not? Go to your bathroom, throw out your chemical soaps and order. Why not minimize there, so then it makes other things simpler too. We're working on a home line too. So it's basically going to be a one stop shop for all things natural. Stay tuned for that home line coming soon.

Happy July

J + J

A happy July to you all! 

Were looking forward to this month! We have a lot to celebrate! We have some birthdays this month including soap-a-licious's birthday as well!!  We have so many cool things coming up soon! Lots of new products coming your way! 

We love your pictures! We appreciate you tagging us in your posts. Keep them coming. 

We had such an amazing weekend so far. Our good friends from Naples came up for a visit. We took the kids to the Clearwater Aquarium which was not as impressive as we had hoped. Then we went out for a nice sushi dinner. We followed that up the next day with a delicious waffle breakfast then the grown ups got to go to grown up Disney aka ikea. Then sadly our friends had returned to Naples and we have settled in to our normal routines again. However tonight we will do some small fireworks with the kids at the house before we call it a night and get back to work tomorrow. 

We we look forward to blogging more and letting you know what's going on here with us, less soap related more real life stuff.

Why Soap-a-licious

J + J

Why soap-a-licious?

When I first started making soap, it was with a manly mentality; I used to go to farmers markets and find foofy foofy soap scents; ocean breeze, clean linen, lavender roses (the list is horrible, can't continue, it's very painful, lol) they always catered to the 98% of the main consumer: women, leaving the husbands, the men, us on the curb.

Then, and once established we decided to cater to the very same 98%; ironic I know, but also staying truthful to our main core: "we are 110% natural, hand cut, and shaped rugged soap". It's not pretty or with amazing swirls, it's bad ass soap with bad ass ingredients, it's natural and it's just amazing soap, unlike other "hyped" soaps out there, our soap is intended for use and not for collection, "LIMITED" (really? Who does that? Oh yeah! my grandmother, but they are shaped like angels, flowers anddolphins, you get the idea). Its not about reinventing the wheel, just making it fast and better, with chrome rims and air shocks of course

So that at the end of the day this is my mission statement:
" To provide you with true, real awesome natural soap and products worth mentioning" . Because once you use it you will be hooked, we guaranteed it.


Happy New Year

