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Hello September/ By Jay

J + J

Hi! One of the great things about sharing a life with your spouse, you share the smiles, great moments, the remote control, pictures on Instagram, and of course this blog (Not Coffee)

We are excited about the fall, for me it means Halloween and Thanksgiving a moment when it’s a mandatory all you can eat buffet, not that I am on a diet, but I calibrate everything I eat to simply ruin it over the weekend.  I am the type of guy that starts diets every Monday just to loss track by Wednesday, hey I’ve worked hard to get “the husband pack" (not a six pack).

Candles, giveaways, new soaps and more shenanigans will come your way this month, especially videos on the face book (as my mother calls it) feel free to drop a suggestion, idea or even a hello anywhere we are, because we are everywhere #nostalker.


Not bad for my first blog post.



Summer is...

J + J

We love Summer! Summer means beach days, BBQ's, the sun staying out later, summer showers, not to mention all your favorite Soap-a-licious Summer Products! We LOVE Summer Cream, Beard Vacation and Sun Ninja just to name a few.

Although, as Summer does, it comes to a close and so do our long list of summer scented products! Get yours while they are still on the site!

Fall is right around the corner and we have an excellent seasonal line up for you! COMING SOON!!


xo, Jess

Sun Ninja!

J + J

Here is sunny (and already hot) Central Florida, we are seeing the need for our summer skin care. You will see your favorite sun lotion Sun Ninja on our site year round. Though, as we head into another warm summer, you need to make sure you protect your skin. Whether you apply coconut oil or use Sun Ninja, think about the protection you and your family need. What does that look like?

 A daily SPF for sure, applied more than once every few hours for those park days or beach days. Something to keep in mind is our lip balm has coconut oil in it. Coconut oil lends itself as a mild SPF as well. With our own family, we take all these things into consideration, even though the 4 of us have the tendency to bronze instead of burn, that doesn't mean that we don't get effects from the harshness of the sun. I don't know about you but I certainly don't want to worry about skin cancer or age spots later in life for myself or my children.

 We're always here if you have any questions!

 Happy Sunny March :)



What's your favorite soap?

J + J

 We loooooveee Natural soap! Obviously, since we make it. There are so many things that we love about Natural soap. To save time, we'll just list a few...

 First, natural soap leaves your skin feeling clean but not stripped of it's natural goodness. Which is so very important. Your skin needs it's oils, it just doesn't need the dirt and grim you pick up from your day to day doings.

 Second, knowing that we use strictly essential oils you can rest assured that your skin will not become over dried from the alcohol and chemicals that you find in fragrance. So something that may smell yummy, may be bad for your skin. It's important to read the labels!

 Third, we cannot get enough of the good for you things that we have put in our soaps! for instance, 7 Tigers has 7 good for your skin natural things. Acai & Goji soap has acai and goji, as you can imagine, which has good benefits for your skin also, Orca is so soft and moisturizing but the charcoal detox for your skin is out of this world, and that's just 3 of the soaps...

 So that gives you an idea of how delicious and good for your skin our soaps can be. Each one lists the description that tells you what each has in it and the benefits for your skin! So go shop! We said it's ok :)

Skin care routine

J + J

Hi everyone!

Short hiatus, and we're back!

Today I wanted to share with you all my skin care routine that I solidly come back to. First and foremost, always take good care of your skin, it's the only skin you have. One of the things that I find most important to my daily routine is taking off my make up. However, in all the water proof make up, primer etc, sometimes soap wont get it off. I turn to my tried and true, moisturizing routine; coconut oil. Yup, you read that right, coconut oil is my go to make up remover, cleanser and moisturizer.

First, I get a wash cloth wet in hot, hot water. Then, I gently rub coconut oil all over my face. I place the squeezed, hot wash rag on my face and leave it set for 10 seconds and just relax into the soothing comfort. I then proceed to wipe away my make up,  and gently remove any excess coconut oil, be careful not to wipe the skin too aggressively, just a good once over is all you need.

The remaining coconut oil will be absorbed by the skin and used as a moisturizer, in addition, coconut oil provides a small amount spf as well. Think about all the benefits you have gotten in less that 10 minutes. Make up remover, cleanser, moisturizer and SPF! Check!

I'll post a quick how to make it later, and perhaps we'll offer it on the website if you guys are interested.  

It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself! After all #NaturalMatters

xo Jess

Valentines Day, in stores near you...

J + J

Valentines Day

 Well, It's almost the middle of January so that pretty much guarantees that the Valentines Day things are taking over the stores! We were in Target over the weekend, as many families do, and sure enough Valentines has taken over! While the hubby was browsing new BBQ's, I took a quick tour through the pink and red isles and admired the candy that is not in my New Year, New You lifestyle plan! HAHA

 It got me thinking that it's time to start planning what we're going to do for Valentines day! But it also had me thinking about you guys! If you have someone in you life you love that you know would appreciate some natural skin or beard care, get to shopping! A beard care kit, or a mommy + baby kit or just a collection of their favorite soap-a-licious items are perfect for Valentines day!!

 Start your shopping early, especially if you are counting on shipping!! I would suggest the last possible day to ship would be the 8th of February! So consider this ample warning and get moving :)

 You don't want to be the last minute person hoping their are still roses left on February 14th, right hunny?! ;)

 What do you guys do for Valentines Day? Is it a super special day for you? Or do you just chalk it up to commercialism?

Feel free to comment below, ask any questions or if you are in need of suggestions!! :)