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Skin care routine

J + J

Hi everyone!

Short hiatus, and we're back!

Today I wanted to share with you all my skin care routine that I solidly come back to. First and foremost, always take good care of your skin, it's the only skin you have. One of the things that I find most important to my daily routine is taking off my make up. However, in all the water proof make up, primer etc, sometimes soap wont get it off. I turn to my tried and true, moisturizing routine; coconut oil. Yup, you read that right, coconut oil is my go to make up remover, cleanser and moisturizer.

First, I get a wash cloth wet in hot, hot water. Then, I gently rub coconut oil all over my face. I place the squeezed, hot wash rag on my face and leave it set for 10 seconds and just relax into the soothing comfort. I then proceed to wipe away my make up,  and gently remove any excess coconut oil, be careful not to wipe the skin too aggressively, just a good once over is all you need.

The remaining coconut oil will be absorbed by the skin and used as a moisturizer, in addition, coconut oil provides a small amount spf as well. Think about all the benefits you have gotten in less that 10 minutes. Make up remover, cleanser, moisturizer and SPF! Check!

I'll post a quick how to make it later, and perhaps we'll offer it on the website if you guys are interested.  

It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself! After all #NaturalMatters

xo Jess