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Thank you!!

J + J

 Thank you for celebrating our birthday month with us, last month! We loved sharing specials with you. We hope you enjoyed them too!

Also, thank you to those of you that have signed up for the news letter! I hope that you found it informative and fun! Please let us know if there is anything you wish to see in the newsletters up and coming.

We are working on getting another podcast out to you guys! We miss it and I'm sure you do to! Even if it's just to see the cute little kids that run a muck!

You guys are great! We are so thankful for all the support and love you show us by posting and sharing the Natural Lifestyle with friends and family!

Keep a look out for the newsletter and possibly a podcast this weekend! Fingers crossed!! We can get them both out!! :)

Soap-a-licious Travel Kit

J + J

Whew! What a weekend! The Mr's birthday is tomorrow, so we went to Disney to celebrate over the weekend! The girls loved it and so did we! And boy am I glad that I packed our travel kit! Not the toothbrushes etc although I did pack those too. I'm talking about our Soap-a-licious Travel kit: Mini Deodorant, travel size soaps and body bar! What a life saver!

Packing this means I didn't have to bring our regular size deodorants (Yay! More room to stash yarn). A few small soaps are perfect for on the go! You won't waste a large bar or have to worry about what to do with a regular size bar to repack after use. A small bar is perfect for a few washes and you can easily wrap it up to repack. Then the body bar! Let me just say that going anywhere without our natural products is so much less enjoyable. I find my skin to be more dry and just over all less supple. Not that I had tons of time for my normal skin care routine, BUT since these things are part of my normal routine, I knew I would not have to reapply etc.

This kit is designed for travel! Whether your stay is long or short, its the perfect companion and easy to fly with, too. No pesky bottles and liquids to worry about.

Other items that we packed: Sun Ninja! Sun Ninja is perfect to tuck in a pocket, or a purse or backpack. We coated the kids and ourselves before we left the hotel and actually did not reapply, since we were in the shade a lot. If we were in direct sun, then we would have reapplied several times throughout the day. No one ended up sunburned, one bit! Go, Sun Ninja!

I also packed the travel size Baby Butt Balm. Easy to stash in with the diapers and wipes. Quick to use and put away too!!

All in all, a fun filled weekend accompanied by our Natural products could not have been better! No chemical-filled cheap (no matter where you stay) hotel products that they buy by the 1,000's for next to nothing. They don't worry about your skin care.. We do! Check out the Travel kit on the site today!

Say Hi

J + J


We love being able to reach out and share our new products and why we love them! After all we design them with you in mind! If you have not already signed up for our news letter, you should. Visit our homepage, scroll half way and you will see where to enter your information. Sign up! We won't spam you, won't sell your info or share it! We will send you product updates, specials before they are released to the public and share some of YOUR stories (what your favorites are and how you use them). Please feel free to use #soapalicious to share your pictures! Tag us in videos too!! We love to share what you love!

As you may know, you can reach us at

Facebook: Soap-a-licious

Instagram: Soapaliciousfl

Twitter: soapaliciousfl

Pinterest: soapaliciousfl

Periscope: soapaliciousfl and now on youtube with our podcast: Soapaliciousfl

You can always email us at

Have you see us around social media? What's your favorite way to connect with us?


Happy Weekend,


A Review + Happy 4th of July!

J + J


Ok, so I'm just gonna throw this out there.... I'm a lip bitter. (My own, not other peoples) I will kind of bit at my lip especially if they are dry or chapped. I do this without thinking about it, I suppose it's an anxious habit if I have a lot on my mind or a lot to do. However, I have been using our Sugar Lips Scrub and following it up with our Shimmer Lip Balm, and let me tell you just how incredibly soft my lips are!! Check out this awesome video here! Thanks Miguel and Nikesha for taking the time to share this with us! (btw, this is her opinion and not a paid ad) :)

You have probably noticed more items coming out that are geared towards the ladies on our site.  The hubby and I have been working on this together, so that we can ensure there are things that are not only MUST HAVE items for all moms but women/ladies/girls in general! If you have anything you want to see that we haven't created already please shoot me an email @ and let me know! We love you guys and we love creating natural products that you love! So your feedback is important to us!

Happy Early 4th!! Hope you have a fun SAFE weekend!

XO -Jess

Healthier Skin

J + J

Hey ladies,

So I just want to do a little intro into skin care and how our products and doTerra oils can be beneficial. The idea isn't having 20 different products for 20 different things. Really! It doesn't make sense (for your budget or your counterspace).

That being said, let's jump in!

First, I actually don't normally use soap. (Yes, we make soaps that are more than gentle enough for your skin.) Morning routine is not as crucial as an Evening Routine. What?! Oh, I know!! I totally shattered your universe now. Sorry! Let's get to the evening routine. My Evening Routine involves taking off my make up and moisturizing before bed. Ideally, I do this pre-work out, as with my routine I work out in the early evening before cooking dinner, I hate having a sweaty-make-up from all day face when cooking. To remove make-up, I rub a coconut/ Vitamin E/ Lavender Essential Oil combo on my skin. I premix this and keep it in a one ounce bottle with a little spout. I pour it out onto a cotton ball or clean fingers and massage onto my face. Covering the whole surface, eyelids, cheeks, forehead etc. I then, soak a wash cloth in HOT water. Wring it out, then I place it on my face for 10 seconds. I then wipe away the excess oil and make-up. Once you are done removing the excess oil, wring out the wash cloth as it can be used for a second day. Now that you have done this, you will probably see a slight sheen on your face. Leave it. It's the left over oils that will moisturize, restore and regenerate your skin. I do not apply an additional moisturizer at night, I do find that this method is more than enough moisture for my skin all night.  

I have found that this is a simple and easy way to remove most kinds of make-up. I do have a water proof mascara that comes off easily with this method.

So, the morning routine that follows this is I simply take the same wash cloth, soak it in cool water and gently wipe my face. Removing any excess oils from over night that may be on the skin, but not depleting it from the skin entirely.

I'll continue to post natural skin care tips once a week or so.  If you have any questions feel free to comment or email me!

XO, Jessica


Essential Oils

J + J

Hi Guys!

Jess here! As most of you know, we use essential oils and not fragrance in all of our products! Since it is so important to us that you know how these oils can work for you, we thought we will bring you posts every now and then describing our favorites and how to use the oils alone. We also will be bringing you some doterra starter kits if you are interested. Additionally, you can purchase the oils here

In addition to this, we will be bringing you some more well rounded products for The Beauty Glam line!!! YAY!!

Happy Father's Day Weekend!

Jess <3