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Say Hi




Say Hi

J + J


We love being able to reach out and share our new products and why we love them! After all we design them with you in mind! If you have not already signed up for our news letter, you should. Visit our homepage, scroll half way and you will see where to enter your information. Sign up! We won't spam you, won't sell your info or share it! We will send you product updates, specials before they are released to the public and share some of YOUR stories (what your favorites are and how you use them). Please feel free to use #soapalicious to share your pictures! Tag us in videos too!! We love to share what you love!

As you may know, you can reach us at

Facebook: Soap-a-licious

Instagram: Soapaliciousfl

Twitter: soapaliciousfl

Pinterest: soapaliciousfl

Periscope: soapaliciousfl and now on youtube with our podcast: Soapaliciousfl

You can always email us at

Have you see us around social media? What's your favorite way to connect with us?


Happy Weekend,
